We are proud to be involved in the grooming industry as our team of sharpeners has years of experience in the industry. As an owner of mobile pet salons and staff that is a retired groomer we understand the industry and importance of your equipment. There is tons of info on our site and Facebook page. Take a few minutes to read and learn. If you have ANY questions please just ask. We are happy to help and we share because we care.
Why is it important to use a CERTIFIED sharpener? We take our training seriously. We took the time to take specific courses to fine tune our skills to help our grooming customers. We are dedicated to the industry. You won't find us sharpening Garden tools, Saw Blades, Lawn mower blades ect as we stick to our favorite part of the industry Shears/Scissors and Clipper Blades.
We offer state of the art clipper blade sharpening on our Automated blade sharpening machine. Many other services use a manual sharpening system. Our mobile sharpening system is automated so we eliminate any human errors in sharpening. This helps us give you the best edge possible.
We recommend clipper blade sharpening every 3-4 months. Proper daily care of your blades is key to their performance.. We help educate our customers on how to properly oil and maintain your blades between sharpening. We recommend a special blend of oil we like to call our "Secret Sauce" along with blade brush for daily use. We also highly recommend a regular use of H42 a effective Disinfectant and Anti-Viral cleaning solution for your blades or shears that will not harm your blades like those cooling sprays will.
Clippers come in many shapes and sizes. We recommend a full service on your clipper when your blades are in for sharpening. It is a great practice to replace your blade drive on your clippers on a regular basis. Some clippers require a (Blade Drive) once a month (Andis) while others require every 2-3 months (Oster-Wahl). Of course this depends on daily blade care. Our FULL clipper service will help keep your clipper working at its best. We will check and change not only your blade drive but inspect and test the other components of the clipper that also need attention. The Hinge, Latch, Brushes and Cord are only a few items we inspect and change when worn.
Yes we sell blades. We only sell FurZone Brand Blades as we found they are one of the Hardest blades in the industry with a Rockwell Hardness of 62 they will hold a edge longer than many other brands.
We do a lot of research on shears and explain to our customers on how to buy and maintain shears. We offer Japanese Flat-Hone sharpening like they do in the factory. We are Factory Trained and Certified by the National Guild. We highly recommend cleaning and proper oiling your shears daily. Our "Secret Sauce mentioned above can also be used on Shears as we designed it to be used on both clipper blades and shears. When our mobile sharpening service is onsite we can also size fit your shears to the individual stylists for that perfect fit like when you go to the shoe store and try on shoes. Some fit and other brands don't so we have the ability to size any shear with finger ring sizers so you get that custom fit you need to help your ergonomics and prevent injury to you or your furry client.
Yes we also sell shears and offer many high quality shears. We only sell 440c steel quality and above. We have found the better steel will hold a edge longer and supports a sharper edge. We highly recommend V-10 or VG-10 steel as many high end shear companies offer but for a extremely high price. We offer that same VG-10 steel for a fraction of the cost as we buy as close to direct from the manufacturer as possible to keep cost down and make it more affordable to our customers. We are happy to discuss the different steels and shears offered in the industry. We do the research so you don't have to.
A key component in the grooming industry is the HV (High Velocity) Dryers. Keeping your HV dryer working for years will require some daily care from the end user with a full service every 18-24 months. The filter care is a daily if not hourly care the end user needs to do to keep the dryer working better and longer. All dryers should have a filter and some type. We prefer to install a Heavy Duty filter to increase the performance and reliability of the K9 style dryers. We mostly service K9, Metro, Double K, Ez-Groom, CC Kool Dry and other HV dryers like found in the industry. Warning there has been a influx of cheap foreign dryers introduced to the industry. Buyer beware some of these foreign dryers do not have quality parts available for service and are deemed disposable. We offer a complete service for HV dryers to include clean, inspect, change brushes and repairs. We have special procedures that restore lost power. Don't wait for your dryer to stop take the time to schedule your dryer for service. We do HV Dryer service onsite as we carry parts for the most popular brands.
We are a direct distributor for Metro Dryers and Ez-Groom dryers. If you need a dryer give us a call.
We have been involved in the Mobile Pet salon business for many years and offer consultations on how to maintain the salon part of the mobile. We are only a phone call or text away.
How to change the Blade Lever on your KM Clippers
Don't get your Thinners or Chunkers caught. We show you how to prevent this issue and fit your shears.
Give your dryer a power boost and reduce drying time.
FIX My EDGE, llc - Mobile Sharpening Service
239 Washburn Ave., Washington, NJ 07882
We are HAPPY to announce that we purchased a forever home. Our order form will be updated when we relocate. PLEASE print off our order form each time you send in as we update the form from time to time and want you to have the updated information.
TEXT (973-433-6234) BEFORE you ship so we know your order will be coming.
Please use our mail-in order form for both mail-in and drop-off orders with your full contact information. Drop off orders can be placed in our Drop-off deck box located on front deck.
PLEASE TEXT us if your mailing or dropping off.